About Toggle-O-Matic Suite

Browser Support

The Toggle-O-Matic javascripts have been tested on the following browsers:


Toggle-O-Matic Suite is compatible with both Dreamweaver MX and Dreamweaver MX 2004. We recommend that you use the latest updates available for your version of Dreamweaver, available from Macromedia's website.


Toggle-O-Matic Suite was inspired by Project 2: Toggle-O-Matic Menus written by Toggle-O-Matic Suite's creator Angela C. Buraglia for Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic (New Riders). Toggle-O-Matic Suite expands upon the concepts taught in the project and offers far more flexibility to designers/developers than that which is available in the book.


Angela C. Buraglia, Extension Developer, DWfaq.com

Daniel Short, Examples, Web Shorts Site Design

Alex Mariño, Logo, AlexMarino.com