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Product Details

SOS Basic CDO Emailer

This simple extension will send every form element to the address you specify.

SOS Basic CDO Emailer

Merchant Information:
Site-Drive, Inc.
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Version: 1.0
Price: FREE!

This is a faily simple process but requires some knowledge of CDO syntax and how to set up your e-mail script. This small extension takes the guess work out of the whole bit. It sends all the form fields from your form to the address you specify, in the following format:


Your visitor's email address


Your email address


Your subject


FieldName1: Value1
FieldName2: Value2
FieldName3: Value3


In order to make your form output easier to read, you can add underscores (_) to your form fields, which will be replaced with spaces. So you could create form fields like this:

Form Field Result


Email Address


Zip Code


Phone Number

Other than underscores, your field names will be displayed exactly as they are defined in the property inspector for each field.


This extension works with Ultradev and Dreamweaver MX. It may work with newer versions, but has not been tested.

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# Description


The "From" address is taken from the form field on your page which contains your visitor's input email address. This makes it easy for you to reply to emails sent from your form.

On the other hand, if you always want the form's email to come from a specific address (an internal email address for example), then put this specific email address in a hidden form element, which you then choose from the "From Address" list menu in the extension.


This is the email address you want the form results sent to.


This is the subject line of your email.


This is the page you want the user sent to after they submit the form. If you want them to stay on the same page, just type in the current page name.


Clicking OK applies the Server Behavior to the page.


Clicking Cancel closes the extension interface without making any changes to your page.


Clicking Help brings you to this page, where you can find out how to use the extension properly.


Version: 1.0
Price: FREE!

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::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 03:36::

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