Q. How do I center my content without using the "Letterbox
Frameset" extension?
A. You can use a little hand coding along with objects
already included with Dreamweaver.
**This method requires your page content to be inside a table for
left-to-right (horizontal) centering**
Using Frames To Align Page Content - Method 2
Author: Bryan
Author's Site: ParagonVisuals.com
Reference ID: 15625
The Manual Method
First off, let me point out that the method I will use here doesn't use as
many frames as the extension creates. Why? Because I want to give you an alternative
method for centering when using tables to hold your content. If you plan to use
layers, you will need the extra frames for the horizontal centering. After completing
this tutorial you should be familiar enough with frames to add the nested frameset
without problems. Therefore I will omit it here.
Creating The Pages
As in the previous example, I like to create my "framed" pages first.
So let's begin by doing that.
border.htm- This page will contain what we want
to use to surround the actual content on our site.
content.htm- This page, just as it sounds, will
contain our sites content.
index.htm- This is the frameset page.
Creating The Frameset
Now that we have our border and content pages finished we are ready to create
the frameset (index.htm) page.
With our frameset page open, select "Frames" from the
"Object" palette's drop down.
Then select the "Top Frame" object to insert the first
part of our frameset.
Your "Frames" palette Should look
like this

And your page should look like this
: |
*You may be wondering
how you will vertically center your content with only 2 frames.
The short answer....... You won't. That is where the hand coding
comes in.* |
The Hand Coding
You may be wondering why I choose to do it this way. I simply find
it easier for me. Experiment for yourself, you might be more comfortable
doing it another way. I just think this is faster than trying to
combine two "Frame" objects. Which, by the way, would
still require some code modification by hand. Unless, of course,
you don't mind using nested framesets unnecessarily. In which case
simply click the "Bottom Frame" object after selecting
the top one.
OK, enough rambling. Let's get into the code!
To get at the code DW4 provides us with a couple of ways:
1. Select the "Code Inspector" from the task bar at the bottom
of the window.
2. Use the split screen approach by selecting View-->Code and Design.
Our code will look something like this:
<frameset rows="80,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="UntitledFrame-2.htm">
<frame name="mainFrame" src="Examples/align_wFrames2.htm"> </frameset>
We need to modify it to look like this:
<frameset rows="*,420,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="UntitledFrame-2.htm"> <frame name="mainframe" src="Examples/align_wFrames2.htm">
<frame name="bottomFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="UntitledFrame-3.htm"> </frameset>
*Notice that we decided to save some time and went ahead and set
our dimensions while adding the new frame. Our content is an image with a height
of 420 pixels. This is reflected in our frameset properties. We also gave the
new frame, and its source, a unique name.*
Your "Frames" palette Should now
look like this:
And your page should look like this: |
Setting The Properties Of Our Frameset
All that is left to do is tell our frameset what pages should be
displayed within each of its frames.
If you are comfortable enough with hand coding feel free to set
each frame's source from there. For those of you who aren't we will
return to the design view and select each section within the "Frames"
palette, then use the "Property Inspector" to set the
source for that section.
Set the source of "topFrame" to
Set the source of "mainframe" to content.htm
Set the source of "bottomFrame" to border.htm
*Warning* If your content page will need to be
scrolled, be sure to change
the "Scroll" value to auto or yes. This applies to
the "mainframe" only. |
That's all there is to it!
The Example
See the finished
Download the files!
Related Tutorials
Using Frames To Align Page Content-
Method Two: The Manual Method
by Bryan Ashcraft
URL: http://www.dwfaq.com/Tutorials/Frames/align_wframes2.asp
Creating and Managing Framesets in Dreamweaver
by Trent Pastrana
URL: http://www.dwfaq.com/Tutorials/Frames/framesets1.asp
Available Extension(s)
The following extension(s) can be found at the Macromedia
Exchange by searching the word Frames.
"Letterbox Frameset" by Project
URL: http://dynamic.macromedia.com/bin/MM/exchange/extension_detail.jsp?extOid=16372